GHI: Wicklow Gaol

All in all, I enjoyed the season premier of Ghost Hunters International. The Wicklow Gaol was an interesting location and I enjoyed the scenes of Ireland. I would like to have seen more, but I guess thats what the Travel channel is for.

One thing that I noticed was the lack of Dustin’s hat. I do hope that he has lost it.

Frankly, I would not have called the Wicklow Gaol haunted based on the data collected by the crew. The most interesting pieces of evidence were of some photos allegely showing a woman and mist. However; the pictures were far too pixelated to see anything. Sadly, the GHI crew did little to nothing to debunk these photos.

The evp’s were weak, the strongest one said either “rice” or “rights”. Another evp was a growl; frankly, I thought that it was Dustin’s stomach.

They have added yet another Floridian to the team, Ashley Godwin. She did not impress me, but it was her first investigation on GHI so time will tell.

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