Ghost Hunters: S08E13: A Serial Killer’s Revenge

A few things jumped out at me as I watched Ghost Hunters last night (September 5th). One was Amy Bruni walking off the investigation because she believes that a spirit can attach itself to her unborn baby. I guess that would make it a womb with a boo. Strangely enough, with this belief, she doesn’t feel the need to stop investigating the paranormal (ghost hunting) while pregnant. I hope for her sake that she has made the right decision and that she hears the little pitter patter of tiny feet rather than the clitter clatter of cloven hooves.

Ghost Hunters
Ghost Hunters (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I gave up on Ghost Hunters during the Grant farewell tour and some things like the twitter addresses of the GH cast seemed new to me. Perhaps they have been doing it for a while and I failed to notice. I honestly didn’t miss Grant and I believe that he was responsible for what I believe to be hoaxing on the show.

Jason’s monologue at the start of the show was better than the typical “case history” in the car routine, which was dangerous. If you are going to drive — drive — don’t risk the safety of other people on the road to set up your show. Having said that, the show is looking more and more like Ghost Adventures but without the humor.

Old City Jail in Charleston, S.C. was investigated last year by the Ghost Adventures crew, and in a head-to-head match, I’d have to say that GA did a better job.  I really came away with the feeling that I was watching an hour long infomercial for the Haunted Jail Tour (link).

As for the woman who was repeatedly scratched, I got a chuckle when she was re-introduced to the location after they pulled her out over concerns for her safety.  It was as if they were saying, you’re expendable.

I may watch a few more episodes over the Halloween season but it isn’t a must-see. Where did the de-bunking go? I’d like some questioning of the scratches. I’d like some talk about Amy’s belief that her baby may be endangered, but her what the hell on with the show mentality.  Personally, it felt like so much empty drama and I really came away feeling that I had not learned anything nor was I entertained.

3 thoughts on “Ghost Hunters: S08E13: A Serial Killer’s Revenge

  1. Hi, saw your post. Just an FYI – I said there was “a theory in the paranormal” about spirit attachment and babies, not that I believed it could happen. When I decided to work from the van the rest of the night, it was because what ever was in there was a bit upset and I figured best not to push it. For the record, I don’t believe that theory for a second – but when it comes to my baby, I’d rather be safe than sorry.

  2. I enjoyed the show as I normally do. It was different without, Grant, and I was surprised that I did miss him. Mostly because I like the chemistry between Grant and Jason. I have always liked the personality of the show, and still thought, think, that it is very enjoyable. I actually got spooked this time, and I rarely do. I think they’re honest. Yes, I believe they have upped the excitment over the years and have done less from the point of view of the debunking, but I think that even with the hype, they are an honest group.

    1. I struggle with the phrase “honest group” after “collargate” and other events that suggest to me hoaxing. I guess what I am trying to say is that if the shows direction is to be entertaining then visiting haunted tours is fine. If the show is about helping people deal with the paranormal, I don’t see how visiting haunted tours achieves anything other than to help the tours promoters.
      I really don’t think that Jason’s bullying of Brian was entertaining nor do understand the lack of transparency of the show, Whatever happened to “when in doubt throw it out?” I think the show would be much better if it returned to helping people and debunking alleged paranormal events. I would rather see that than a pale imitation of Ghost Adventures.

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