Pearl Harbor Phantoms and Haunted Bayou/Library Ghost

I am a little uncomfortable with tonight’s Ghost Hunters show “Pearl Harbor Phantoms.” It seems to me that it may be borderline disrespectful of the people who died there. I hope that my discomfort will prove to be unwarranted. I will update my post after each show.

For those who love Ghost Hunters, you will be happy to learn that the show will get its eighth season. Syfy has ordered 20 episodes for 2012.

It seems that Ghost Hunters International has drawn a little heat for being “gauche” by Maori after GHI’s recent investigation of Napier Prison. “Maori history and Kereopa should be treated with respect and that’s not what’s being done with the ghost busters here, there’s no need for cheap thrills. It’s the lowest common denominator of a reality TV show, it’s gauche in the extreme, and not where we should be positioning Hawke’s Bay tourism.”

Britt shares with us that “power companies” say that anything over 0.5 EMF is bad. Documentation Britt?

“What the hell did we just see?” Amy and Adam see a light.

Jay and Grant hear sounds that they can’t explain. Wind?

Flashlight rolls. Floor level? Bench level? Draft?

Grant sees a small fast shadow.

Oh Britt, I wonder if this is what Godzilla sees — you are a card.

No reveal tonight — lol — priceless! August 24th?

Haunted Collector

Find the haunted item and remove it! Because I am the Haunted Collector.

Nice evp — yes.

I like the daylight investigation.

They went to a lot of trouble to extract a box from under the house. Did they know it was there? You find a hidden gun and you don’t call the police? Sounds planted by the show to me. I also noticed that the team didn’t recheck the area for a cold spot after the weapon was moved.

The gun was removed and added to the Haunted Collector’s paranormal museum. *wink*

Another item, a typewriter, safely stored away in his haunted museum. I don’t suppose he donated a little something to the Library after removing an expensive antique. I wonder if it will end up on Ebay.

12 thoughts on “Pearl Harbor Phantoms and Haunted Bayou/Library Ghost

  1. I didn’t get to see all of GH last night due to the never-ending project of painting my front porch.

    I did see the segment where the flashlight rolled. The first thing they should have done was haul out a level and a geophone to check for vibrations. You can’t declare something probably paranormal until you eliminate the alternatives.

    Haunted Collector wasn’t bad and it has an interesting premise. In my 30+ years of paranormal investigating, I have occasionally run into haunted objects. Recommendation: Never buy a used or antique rocking chair. You’d be amazed at what you might be getting as a free bonus.

    The daylight investigation is something that my team has always done. IMHO, there is as much paranormal phenomonon going on in the daytime as at night. We’re just busy and it is noisier during the day so we don’t notice it as much. Paranormal activity is fleeting and you can easily miss it. You do get better photographic evidence at night, simply because of the effect of a flash against a dark background. During daylight, the steady light washes out what is there, so you don’t get the contrast that makes a better photo.

    I did have issues with some of the things they did. One of their investigators was walking around with a Dr. Gauss EMF detector and the other was using a Cell Sensor EMF detector. You can purchase either for about $35 on the high end.

    I had a Dr. Gauss in the mid-nineties before the GOOD ones became affordable. You can now buy a much more sensitive and reliable EMF detector with a digital read out for less than $100.

    Cell Sensors are a joke. People who run ghost tours buy them by the gross and hand them out to people who take their tours and tell them to use them to investigate. When they catch any kind of field, they light up and squeal. They are also exceedingly sensitive to any kind of motion.

    You get twenty people with Cell Sensors bouncing around a haunted cemetery, waving those things in mid-air and in no time, they are convinced that they are surrounded by ghosts and boy did they ever get their money’s worth on the tour.

    Serious ghost hunters don’t use Cell Sensors or a Dr. Gauss. They certainly don’t use EMF detectors in the way that they were used on the show. Cell Sensors and Dr. Gauss are a single axis EMF detector, just as most are that are used in paranormal investigations. They can be moved SLOWLY and get accurate readings.

    A triple axis EMF detector, like the Tri Field meter, has to be held completely still or preferably be set down on a surface to get an accurate reading.

    I fell asleep before the end of Haunted Collector, so I didn’t see all they did to test the typewriter. Did they use a Natural Tri-Field meter to verify that they were getting an EMF that did not operate at 60 herz? The Natural Tri-Field meter screens out fields that operate at 60 herz, which is household current in North America.

    If they checked it with a Natural Tri-Field meter and still got a reading, they then have to make sure that there are no batteries or magnets involved that could be causing the EMF. If they screen that out, then they can make a stronger argument that the field generated by the typewriter is paranormal.

    I questioned the gun, too. People don’t bury guns under their houses unless they have a reason to do it. Bringing up that there was a bank robbery in the area in the 60’s was absurd. There was a bank robbery in my area in the late nineties. Should they have mentioned that? Silly.

    You are absolutely right that they should have gone back into the kitchen and checked the thermal again to see if it was still there after the gun was removed. They should have also been taking the actual temperature in the area to see if it verified what the thermal was showing. No single piece of evidence is ever enough to verify a haunting.

    1. I believe that they did not recheck the cold spot because the spot was hoaxed. They found the gun because they put the gun there. They did not report the gun to the police because they knew that it had not been used in a crime.

      I doubt that there will be an episode in the first season where they don’t haul something off. Even if they have to bring something *wink* to be hauled off.

      1. If that ends up as being the case, the show’s reputation will be shredded in short order. Most of the time, the house or land is haunted and not an object.

        Rather like Paranormal State finding demons everywhere…

      2. I have to say that I don’t put much stock into the Haunted Collector either. If you notice the things that are haunted are usually the expensive antiques! He never goes for the cheap stuff that would seem likely for an entity to want to treasure. It’s odd. Plus, the gun did catch my attention. Not calling to police says something about it. I believe that whole show is a hoax.

  2. I didn’t see GH’s investigation because I don’t watch that show anymore. However, I’m always leery of such places being investigated. I think if they were respectful and didn’t try to provoke, fine. But I understand how you’re feeling because Ghost Adventures did an investigation on a battleship once that I felt was almost disrespectful. Something about how they were talking to the soldiers as if they were still serving and didn’t know they were dead. I felt they were borderline talking down to them… Anyway, that’s irrelevant. Just trying to explain why I feel you, man!

    As for the Haunted Collector…I semi-sorta am friends with some of the personalities involved in that show and it would make me literally sick to think they planted anything. It could happen, because let’s face it: Syfy’s involved. They’re in it to sell TV.

    HOWEVER, it bothered me GREATLY they didn’t turn in the gun. If someone was murdered and no killer was ever caught it’s a cold case right? Also, like you pointed out…why not show if the cold spot was there after they removed the gun? So…it was an interesting, but not flawless, debut.

    1. I’ll give HC a few more tries. I like the premise of the show but the execution *shrug*

      I would hate to be the family of the murdered person and watch the possible murder weapon cleaned and stored in a paranormal museum. Commonsense would prevent a person from doing that — so my hoax flags started waving.

      I had to laugh at GH delaying the reveal until August 24th — funny stuff.

      1. August 24th? I didn’t know they did that. Like I said, I don’t watch them but I saw some chatter about people being miffed about something, then GH posting something about that WAS the season finale and they wouldn’t be back for a few months. Interesting. All that makes sense now.

        The gun thing bothered me too. And the more I think about it it’s because of what you pointed out. If that family of the murdered person is still alive, how would they feel? Maybe they will clear all this up somehow. But, yes, I can see why that would make your “hoax flags fly” LOL!

  3. Damn! I want that job. Go into someone’s home, tell them their shit is haunted, and let them hand it over to you. “Hey, Mrs. Doe, it appears your 20,000 dollar diamond ring is haunted. I’ll just take this from you so you don’t have to suffer.” I am in the wrong line of business!

    1. Let’s you and I start our own paranormal museum. If you want to get rid of a haunted antique, please email me for my mailing address. Pop the haunted item into a box and send it to me.

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