5 thoughts on “Iran 27 Dec 09 Protest Police Car running over people

  1. I guess I can’t post anything because it wouldn’t be polite to swear on your blog so all I’ll say is this . . . !@#$%^&*()_)P(!@#$%^&*(+_)(*&^ – What a bunch of )(*&^#$%^!@#$%^&*(+_)(*&^% !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry for the temper tantrum Barry, I had to get it off my chest. 🙂

  2. It seems that some countries have a warm and touching way of dealing with any dissatisfied human irritant.

    For example the Chinese when not using over expensive tanks to mow people flat maintain the more economical practice of executing you with a single bullet in later charging your family the cost of that bullet. But that’s when they’re not employing use of their mobile gas chamber, an ingenious invention over which Hitler’s Germany would had been envious.

    But with so heinous an act as being filmed running someone over with a police car in Iran is more an act of desperation with indifference which will inevitably lead towards more government sanctioned wholesale slaughter of its own people.

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