Features – The Holy Grail Lies Under Strandzha Mountain – Standart


In the legend of Jesus’ cup is ciphered the information that the Holy Grail actually is ancient tables. They are in Bulgaria

The Holy Grail is in Bulgaria. Actually Jesus’ cup is a programme for saving the mankind. An initiated Bulgarian will find the relic, which will teach people how to protect themselves of the forthcoming disasters, proclaims a former military officer and expert on secret codes colonel engineer Peycho Todorov from the town of Veliko Tarnovo. Throughout the years the myth-seeker had access to secret information on UFO over the territory of Bulgaria and Russia and on all secret operations for searching of ancient treasures, organized by the authorities at that time.
Thanks to his decipher skills Peycho Todorov has determined the place of a relic, which Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga was mentioning in her lifetime.
"2300 years ago when Alexander the Great conquered Egypt, one of the biggest pharaoh riches proves to be hidden in Bulgarian lands. Somewhere in Strandzha Mountain still exists enormous stone sarcophagus brought to these places by a camel convoy. However, people haven’t grown up spiritually yet to find the sarcophagus and to see what is hidden in it," says engineer Todorov.
According to Peycho Todorov the stone slab still lies somewhere in Strandzha Mountain. The story of mankind has been written with ancient letters and also the way to protect us from the forthcoming Armageddon. May be this is the Bulgarian Grail or something else but it won’t be found by some of the well-known archaeologists. It will be a blessed person who will find the relic.
Todorov has sent a letter to US president Barack Obama informing him about an asteroid flying towards the Earth.

Features – The Holy Grail Lies Under Strandzha Mountain – Standart

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